Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I need to decide on a new project when I am done with this one. DH thinks that I should knit exclusively for him from now on, but I really am thinking about a fair isle hat.
Monday, December 1, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Finished with the front!!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
- color knitting--- I know that once I try it, I will have no problems, I just haven't tried it yet! : )
- lace--- I can knit lace, but I have never knit anything big and complicated as far as lace is concerned. I have a shawl in mind....
- spinning--- LOL! spinning in general, both spindle and wheel
- dying
- crocheting--- I only know a few stitches and I am not real sure I know what I am doing when I do crochet. I have done a couple things that were nice looking, but not consistant looking.....
I am sure that the list will go on. I want to have most of this accomplished by this time next year. No promises though! : )
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Well it is going to be big
Other news. The bookcase looks great. We are going through the rest of the house deciding on different things that we want to do. We have the loft area kind of figured out. Not completely but it is coming together. We have been starting to discuss our shop (even though it is 10 years from now) and I have to say I am so excited. Even though it is so far off, it is exciting getting ready for it. I am hoping that this will bring my husband and I even closer together.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Finished the back
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Well, I am almost finished with the back of The Fog sweater. This picture is actually not very recent. I took it earlier this week when I had just started the back. I have just a couple inches left to go and I am hoping to have it (the back) finished tonight. Then all I will have is the front, sleeves, and neck. I am thinking mock turtle, but DH doesn't have any problems with a full turtle, so we will see. Anyway with just those little bits left and most of a weekend to work on it, I will hopefully have it done by next Thursday. That is my goal. If I can get it done then, it will be within this month (I know I probably won't be knitting on Halloween so it has to be done Thursday) and DH will be VERY happy.
In spinning news, I have been spinning a little bit again. I haven't hardly touched my wheel in forever. I think that I may actually be getting the hang of it. Still trying to understand the whole drop spindle thing. Not quite getting the hang of it (ha! Hang. Get it? Drop spindles hang? I crack myself up!). I even bought a subscription today for Spin Off magazine. I would like to get more into spinning, just not real sure if I am doing it correct most of the time. I guess that is a good goal for the remainder of the year. Just learn to spin. Of course AFTER DH's sweater is finished!
Let's see. Other areas of my life... I am looking for a part time job in the evenings/Saturdays for some extra dough. DH and I are going to Georgia in December 25 or 26 to see his family for a long weekend! I am just a little worried about money. Plus I have a doctors visit in December that will more than likely all be out of pocket. $107.01 for my shot and then who knows how much for the procedure. Have I mentioned that I hate going to the doctor? I was sick for a month just recently and finally broke down and shelled out $69 because I had bronchitis. Ug. Plus $18 for Amoxicillin and some really fun cough syrup. Good thing is, I am feeling much better now. Yay. I am hoping to start going back to school next fall. I am thinking seriously about getting a degree in Apparel Studies. I am weighing my options before I commit though. I just don't know. There are so many things that I would like to do and I just don't know if I can do them. I know that probably sounds dumb. I know. I know. You can do anything you put your mind to. That is just the problem. I don't know if I will enjoy it and I don't know if I will do anything with it if I do it. Of course I would love to own my own yarn shop someday, but that will probably never happen and even if it did, I am pretty sure that a degree in apparel studies will only help me so much. However DH works for a testing company that has a branch for textiles and IF I were to get the degree, I might be able to get on there and use the degree. Not completely sure, but whatever. Honestly I really like my job that I have right now (most of the time LOL!) and I don't have any plans anytime soon of leaving. I just don't know. I want to do so many things with my life, and life is so short, that it is hard to plan accordingly.
Speaking of life being cut short. Very dear friends of our family were killed this weekend in a motorcycle accident. Mr. James and Miss Gwen have been there as far as I can remember. We have known them since I was 2. I was at their house all the time. I remember Miss Gwen taking me to the park that was near the house. I remember when the screened in porch was added. I have so many memories from there with them. They were the kind of people that make such a huge impact on your life. People that you will never forget. It was such a tragedy to see them go, but at least they went together.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Knitting tonight
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hmmmm. Lofty goal
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Fog begins
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Fog.......
Monday, September 1, 2008
I got the wool in for DH sweater on Thursday. I am still looking for the perfect pattern, but since we just moved, I can't find any of my patterns or books. I know they will turn up soon. We have like 10 boxes of books and I am sure that they are mixed in with non knitting books. He is supposed to sand down the bookcase today so that it will be ready to paint next weekend. Then we will be able to unpack all of our books. My bookcase upstairs in our bedroom is just waiting to be filled with knitting books!
The house is starting to look good. We don't have a lot of decortive items at this point, but it is looking good anyway. The bedroom looks nice, thanks to DH. He worked very hard yesterday getting the master bed and bath set up while I was at work. I still have to wash our comforter so I can put the duvet cover on, but that requires knowing where it is! That will really set it off. The living room is kind of bare. We have the small sectional couch down there with a rug borrowed from my mom. There is a picture on the fireplace that is holding the spot where the flat tv will go once I have enough saved for it...Maybe by Christmas..... And of course the cat jungle. The giant fake plant (named Gordon by my father years ago) that Jack has decided is his little kitty paradise. We got our new kitchen table all put together. When we were asked if we wanted to pay them to put it together, DH asked if was going to be a difficult process. "Just 3 or 4 screws" is what she said to me. There are more than that in each chair leg. 3 hours after we started putting it together, it was done. It is so beautiful. I am very excited to be in a home that I can be proud of. It isn't huge but it is very nice. After the places that I have been living, it is even nicer!
Knitting/crochet projects that I am wanting to work on:
1)Wicked (started)
2)Odessa (have yarn for this)
3)Sweater for DH (have yarn for this)
4)Sweater for Mom
5) Harry Potter scarves (maybe) for my stepsons
6)Circle to squares afghan
7)Fireside afghan in black/red for our bed
8)cabled afghan for MIL (if time permits before we go to Georia)(have yarn for this)
9)Christmas stockings at least for DH and I. Boys too if time permits.