Welcome to my new blog. How cheesy is that? I guess for post #1 I should do a little introductions. My former blog was http://ladyknitsalot.blogspot.com/ My name is Whitnee. I am addicted to fibery things. I have been knitting since about 2000 or 2001. Ok that is a stretch. I taught myself to knit then, but really didn't fall in love with knitting until probably 2004 or 2005. I also learned to spin (kinda) in 2006. I have been spinning nonstop since probably the beginning of 2009 though. For a long time I was kind of alone in the knitting world. Obviously this was because I was hiding under a rock because there are so many knitting resources out there that I was just previously unaware of. Believe it or not I hadn't even heard of Ravelry until just several months ago. Alright well I really don't know many people that knit around here anymore. I co-founded a SNB locally, but I kind of went through some schedule changes and some different priorities in my life so after a year and a half I had to stop going. I have tried to go to another group that meets at a more convenient time for me, but I really like to spend weekday evenings with my husband so I don't usually go. Especially because a month ago today his oldest son passed away. So right now I need to be with him as much as I can. My husband is my best friend in the entire world and we enjoy spending time together. We would one day like to open up a yarn shop of our own. He wants to start designing wheels. Especially painting them. He will be painting mine soon! : ) That makes me very happy! Just as soon as he finishes (or even STARTS) painting the motorcycle parts that are laying on my kitchen counter. Smells like gasoline in there because of the fuel tank.
Lets see what other boring things can I think to tell about myself.... My favorite color is orange, however I really love all colors. Like I said I am a fiber enthusiest. I am a vegetarian. I just stopped liking meat about 10 years ago and no matter how much I would like to eat it, I just can't bring myself to do it. I love to read, though I rarely make time for it. I love to walk. Although I have quite a bit of music on my iPhone, I listen to knitting podcasts while I am walking. Usually Stitch It!! Podcast. Not that I don't listen to others. It is just that that one and The Knitmore Girls seem to be the correct lengths for my walks! And they are two of my favorites. The whole podcast thing is another thing that I am new too. But let me tell you the underside of that rock I was hiding under was really nice and cozy. Hee Hee. I also have a sweet little Yorkie girl named Maddie and a handsome little black cat named Jack. Since I have no kids on my own, and no intentions of having any, they are my babies. I am currently living in Northwest Arkansas. I am from Texas and will always claim that as home no matter where I live. However, my dear hubby and I are getting ready to take an exploratory trip to Florida because we want to move there. I have family there and we would be closer to my hubby's family. It will be wonderful. And there is that beach thing. I love that idea.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Behind on Blogging.
I have been neglecting my blog a little bit. To catch up, I have been mostly spinning lately, with some knitting sprinkled in here and there. Lets see. Ispent most of the last month spinning up all of my gray woo
l. I was doing the Yarn Everyday in April group on Ravelry so most of that was spent spinning mass amounts of thin (for me) gray yarn. I didn't really like working with it at first because it kind of resembled dryer lint. It would have pieces in it that were on the extra fuzzy side. No big deal. I worked around it. It is about 408 yards plied and I still have a little left on one bobbin. I don't know for sure what I am going to do with it but I am thinking of Navajo plying it just to get a free bobbin. I need to buy more bobbins as I only have the two regular ones and then the one big one for plying. Of course I would really LOVE to get a new wheel... *sigh*. It isn't that I don't like my babe, it is just that I would prefer a wheel that is a little bit steadier. If that makes sense. Anyway besides the gray I also have a little purple and yellow that I have been spinning for a single. I don't think I care much for it. At all. I just went yesterday and bought some more of the fiber like the spice that I spun before, only this stuff is bright green and yellow! Happy colors. I have been playing some with my drop spindle. I really am trying to make it work for me. It is getting better I
suppose. What else? Lets see I decided that for Easter, instead of dying eggs, I would try my hand at dying yarn! Since orange is my favorite color I decided to dye it orange and yellow! I was very pleased. I used food coloring and vinegar. It was super easy and I was suprised at just how much I enjoyed doing it. I also tried dying some fiber with KoolAid and um.... was less than happy with my results. I don't know if I did something wrong. I didn't agitate or anything, but it seems that it felted a tiny bit in places. Not all over. In fact that is the purple and yellow that I am spinning up. There were just a
few small pieces that wouldn't spin. No big. I haven't been doing much knitting. A couple dish cloths. I started a sock for Jim that I really don't like the yarn for. I have started a lace shawl. I am knitting http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/creatures-of-the-reef-shawl right now. Since we are moving to Florida I thought that it would be appropriate. : ) This is my first attempt at lace knitting. I went to LYS last night and she helped me figure out some of the things I had questions on. There was some stuff written in there that I really just needed to hear someone else say because it didn't make sense when I read it. I started it last night and am only a couple rows in but so far I like the pattern. I have only done one row today because I am kind of feeling blah today. I am not sure that counting is a good idea for me today! LOL! Maybe I will make some lunch and then knit. That sounds like a good plan.
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