Knitting: I am almost done with the first (or rather 3rd) sleeve for Jim's sweater. Like I knitted all day yesterday and I have 12 rows left. Plus 2 inches. Gar. I am beginning to believe that there is some sort of weird worm hole with this sleeve that keeps setting me back 2 inches. I will try to finish it this week. Then I still have the other one to knit. Plus I am wanting to work on that blankie for my special little boy. Sleeve has to come first though. I want this sweater done before Christmas. I have a whole bunch of things that have ended up in my Rav queue that I want to knit. Specifically the Give a Hoot mittens. I am IN LOVE! I think I am going see what gauge my gray handspun is and see if it works for these mittens.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy Birthday
Um yeah. So this is the last birthday that I will be celebrating as I feel that this is as close to 30 as I need to be. So next year I will again be celebrating #27 and then again the year after. And the year after that (which will be a very black Friday) I will once again turn 27. I am boycotting getting older. That is all there is to it! Ok so we had a nice Thanksgiving. Nice quiet lazy day with family. Nothing major happened, besides mass amounts of eating. Seriously we ate around 1 I think and I was full the rest of the day. I did have some pecan pie around 4 or so, but that was my dinner. I did not black friday shop. I did have to pick up a few things at walmart, and a pair of tennis shoes, but I waited until early afternoon to avoid the crowds. Worked like a charm. Enough about that boring stuff though.
Knitting: I am almost done with the first (or rather 3rd) sleeve for Jim's sweater. Like I knitted all day yesterday and I have 12 rows left. Plus 2 inches. Gar. I am beginning to believe that there is some sort of weird worm hole with this sleeve that keeps setting me back 2 inches. I will try to finish it this week. Then I still have the other one to knit. Plus I am wanting to work on that blankie for my special little boy. Sleeve has to come first though. I want this sweater done before Christmas. I have a whole bunch of things that have ended up in my Rav queue that I want to knit. Specifically the Give a Hoot mittens. I am IN LOVE! I think I am going see what gauge my gray handspun is and see if it works for these mittens.
Spinning Tragedy has struck the Humphrey household. My. Wheel. Broke. I wanted to have all this fun stuff to say about the 1 lbs Merino/Bamboo that I bought that came in the mail on Friday, but I spun about a yard of it and my wheel broke. I almost cried. Seriously I had set aside Saturday for spinning. I wasn't going to do anything but spin. This was like a little birthday gift to myself, just me and my wheel and lotsa fluff. But no. See this is what I am saying about having crappy birthdays. Stuff like this always happens! LOL! Oh and before the accident happened I did do a little experiment playing with a tiny bit of left
over kiwi fiber and a bit of the alpaca that I have spun up. I wish I had plied the entire amount of Kiwi with the alpaca. I am so in love with the way the colors came together. I don't have pictures right now but I will soon. I do however have a picture of the Kiwi yarn plied with itself. That will do for now. I will post more as I get more uploaded. I am not very organized today, sorry. I had no clue I was going to blog. I suppose as soon as I am done with the knitting I need to be working on, I will get my drop spindle out. I need to practice on it anyway, right? Right!
Knitting: I am almost done with the first (or rather 3rd) sleeve for Jim's sweater. Like I knitted all day yesterday and I have 12 rows left. Plus 2 inches. Gar. I am beginning to believe that there is some sort of weird worm hole with this sleeve that keeps setting me back 2 inches. I will try to finish it this week. Then I still have the other one to knit. Plus I am wanting to work on that blankie for my special little boy. Sleeve has to come first though. I want this sweater done before Christmas. I have a whole bunch of things that have ended up in my Rav queue that I want to knit. Specifically the Give a Hoot mittens. I am IN LOVE! I think I am going see what gauge my gray handspun is and see if it works for these mittens.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sorry for the long post
Well all is well in my world, right now. I finally got accepted to college and will start in February. Going back for nursing. I can't wait. This means that I will be no longer be working (or at least full time) which is perfectly fine as I am working a temp job currently anyway. DH and I made the trip back to Arkansas 2 weeks ago for my dog, and the rest of my fiber/yarn/wheel. 3 days to drive 24 hours total is NOT fun by the way. Got no time to visit really, though we did go to our favorite sushi place, and I got to see my best friends baby bump! Spent a little time with my mom and her best friend and took my stepson with us for sushi. So exhausting though. Especially in that darn Jeep. Don't get me wrong I love it but not on long trips. DH temporarily fixed the window while we were there so we could almost hear the music and each other on the way home. We were supposed to take a trip this weekend to Savannah for my birthday (1 week from today), but Jim got sick and I didn't feel so hot, so we bought a tv for my MIL instead. This means we have a tv in our room for now. We will be buying another TV soon for us that is nice, but we will make due with what we have for now. We are also looking at couches to buy because we are turning the "side room" into our bedroom and our bedroom into a living room. It will be nice having a space that is ours besides just our bedroom. Ok on to the meat of the matter:
Spinning: I finished spinning up the Kiwi green Mauch Chunky roving (I'll post pictures later). It came out to be a tiny bit over 266 yards and about 17-18 WPI. I decided for yardage that I was going to go with a 2 ply, but I really liked the way the 3 ply looked better. Maybe next time, I just didn't have enough to get decent yardage out of a 3 ply.
DH and I had discussed getting a new wheel, but I have decided that I really do like my Babe for now, though I am planning on getting a few accessories for it. I want to get the skein winder that attaches at the top of the wheel. I think that would make my life so much simpler. I also need another set of regular bobbins (I think the 5:1) and I want a set of the 21:1 ratio bobbins. We were talking over coffee last night about my DH making a wheel. He really wants to design a couple that are not just wheels, but art. That's what I get for marrying an artist! LOL! I love it though. He has no real interest in spinning or knitting, but he doesn't mind crossing over his love for art to my hobbies, cuz he loves me! I have to say I am not only getting better at spinning, but I am also understanding it more. At first I could make the darn thing work and the stuff that came out could pass as yarn (mostly) but not all the foreign spinning language is starting to make a lot of sense to me. I am still struggling with the raw alpaca fleece that I have but I think if I had proper equipment to prepare it things would be going smoother. And I probably didn't get the best alpaca fleece in the world, but I still love it. I am setting it aside until I get access to proper equipment. I have probably 1 oz spun already, but I am just not as happy with it as I could be, so it is going to hibernate for a bit. The lack of my 2 lbs of alpaca and finishing the Kiwi means I am almost out of fiber. I do have a little of BFL left I believe, and some Brown Sheep Mohair/Superwash wool blend that I am in love with, only I have less than an oz. What do you do with less than an oz of fiber? I just don't know. I guess spin it and see what little yardage I can get out of it. Other than that there is NO OTHER FIBER in my house. However since my birthday is next week, I will be getting a card with a check in it in the mail from my mommy very soon so I do believe I will be putting in some orders! Yay!
Knitting: This Fog sleeve is going to kill me. I am still on the first one. I don't know why it is taking so long other than the fact that I only get to knit like 1 or 2 rows a night on it, sometimes not even that. Since we have had the sickies in our house, it seems like every time I sat down to knit on my 4 day weekend, I fell asleep. I have another one coming up though! We will see if I can get more done then. Sure hope so. I want to get this one done and a good start on the second sleeve. I want it done before Christmas. I also have some pretty "manly" yarn that I am thinking will be socks for my hubby. I want to do gloves but he wants socks. Men. I am also crocheting, yes, CROCHETING a blanket for my favorite 3 year old in the world. Spiderman blanket. I am so excited. Except for the whole crochet part. I want to get a good start on that this weekend too, if I can. Mom's Christmas gift ended up being the Creatures of the Reef shawl. I took it with me and she fell in love and so I told her that if she wanted it she could have it. I have so many other things I want to work on right now, but there is just not enough time. I did decide to join Team Knitmore for this winter's Ravelympics. I haven't decided yet what I am going to do, but I think that fair isle may be happening. Maybe. Maybe just finish spinning up the alpaca. I will be in school then too so I may not have much time. We will see. I will narrow some choices down with different time commitments and decide closer to time, what I will realistically have time for.
Entertainment: DH took me on a date yesterday to go see New Moon. I liked it. I felt it was better than the first, but neither are near as good as the books. I really think that they did a poor job of casting the movies first of all and they are just a little too emo for me. I will however see all of them. We rented Up, which I liked, but dang it was sad. I loved the little dog in it. The rest wasn't that great, but even though it was sad, it was kind of a sweet story. We also rented Land of the Lost. I really don't like Will Farrell. This movie did nothing to sway my opinion. He never shut up the entire movie. It had some funny parts, but mostly it was just dumb. I finished ready Wicked. Good book. The end seemed slow moving and abrupt, but over all I enjoyed it and would like to see the play. Lets see. I reread Animal Farm. I love that book. I really should own it. I haven't done much other reading that that. Trying to focus more on the fiber parts of my life! Hate to admit it, but I really like that stupid show Tough Love. We watched 2 episodes last night. There is a time suck and a half but it amuses me how dumb people can be sometimes to think the ways that they do. I am excited for our TV so I can start watching The Office again. Other than that our TV stays on History channel mostly.
Spinning: I finished spinning up the Kiwi green Mauch Chunky roving (I'll post pictures later). It came out to be a tiny bit over 266 yards and about 17-18 WPI. I decided for yardage that I was going to go with a 2 ply, but I really liked the way the 3 ply looked better. Maybe next time, I just didn't have enough to get decent yardage out of a 3 ply.
DH and I had discussed getting a new wheel, but I have decided that I really do like my Babe for now, though I am planning on getting a few accessories for it. I want to get the skein winder that attaches at the top of the wheel. I think that would make my life so much simpler. I also need another set of regular bobbins (I think the 5:1) and I want a set of the 21:1 ratio bobbins. We were talking over coffee last night about my DH making a wheel. He really wants to design a couple that are not just wheels, but art. That's what I get for marrying an artist! LOL! I love it though. He has no real interest in spinning or knitting, but he doesn't mind crossing over his love for art to my hobbies, cuz he loves me! I have to say I am not only getting better at spinning, but I am also understanding it more. At first I could make the darn thing work and the stuff that came out could pass as yarn (mostly) but not all the foreign spinning language is starting to make a lot of sense to me. I am still struggling with the raw alpaca fleece that I have but I think if I had proper equipment to prepare it things would be going smoother. And I probably didn't get the best alpaca fleece in the world, but I still love it. I am setting it aside until I get access to proper equipment. I have probably 1 oz spun already, but I am just not as happy with it as I could be, so it is going to hibernate for a bit. The lack of my 2 lbs of alpaca and finishing the Kiwi means I am almost out of fiber. I do have a little of BFL left I believe, and some Brown Sheep Mohair/Superwash wool blend that I am in love with, only I have less than an oz. What do you do with less than an oz of fiber? I just don't know. I guess spin it and see what little yardage I can get out of it. Other than that there is NO OTHER FIBER in my house. However since my birthday is next week, I will be getting a card with a check in it in the mail from my mommy very soon so I do believe I will be putting in some orders! Yay!
Knitting: This Fog sleeve is going to kill me. I am still on the first one. I don't know why it is taking so long other than the fact that I only get to knit like 1 or 2 rows a night on it, sometimes not even that. Since we have had the sickies in our house, it seems like every time I sat down to knit on my 4 day weekend, I fell asleep. I have another one coming up though! We will see if I can get more done then. Sure hope so. I want to get this one done and a good start on the second sleeve. I want it done before Christmas. I also have some pretty "manly" yarn that I am thinking will be socks for my hubby. I want to do gloves but he wants socks. Men. I am also crocheting, yes, CROCHETING a blanket for my favorite 3 year old in the world. Spiderman blanket. I am so excited. Except for the whole crochet part. I want to get a good start on that this weekend too, if I can. Mom's Christmas gift ended up being the Creatures of the Reef shawl. I took it with me and she fell in love and so I told her that if she wanted it she could have it. I have so many other things I want to work on right now, but there is just not enough time. I did decide to join Team Knitmore for this winter's Ravelympics. I haven't decided yet what I am going to do, but I think that fair isle may be happening. Maybe. Maybe just finish spinning up the alpaca. I will be in school then too so I may not have much time. We will see. I will narrow some choices down with different time commitments and decide closer to time, what I will realistically have time for.
Entertainment: DH took me on a date yesterday to go see New Moon. I liked it. I felt it was better than the first, but neither are near as good as the books. I really think that they did a poor job of casting the movies first of all and they are just a little too emo for me. I will however see all of them. We rented Up, which I liked, but dang it was sad. I loved the little dog in it. The rest wasn't that great, but even though it was sad, it was kind of a sweet story. We also rented Land of the Lost. I really don't like Will Farrell. This movie did nothing to sway my opinion. He never shut up the entire movie. It had some funny parts, but mostly it was just dumb. I finished ready Wicked. Good book. The end seemed slow moving and abrupt, but over all I enjoyed it and would like to see the play. Lets see. I reread Animal Farm. I love that book. I really should own it. I haven't done much other reading that that. Trying to focus more on the fiber parts of my life! Hate to admit it, but I really like that stupid show Tough Love. We watched 2 episodes last night. There is a time suck and a half but it amuses me how dumb people can be sometimes to think the ways that they do. I am excited for our TV so I can start watching The Office again. Other than that our TV stays on History channel mostly.
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