I had a pretty good weekend for the most part. Some fibery goodness, some hanging out with my hubby. We went to dinner on Friday and stayed up WAY too late watching Jurassic Park. Then Saturday we watched The Wizard of Oz. We now have a gym membership. This is really good since I went to the doctor today and she was very concerned about my blood pressure, and asked me in a concerned way about my thyroid. Got my shot and went on. My arm is sore now. I slept maybe 45 minutes last night. I couldn't sleep. Nothing I did helped. I took a big nap yesterday because I had a headache. The headache came back last night only I couldn't sleep. Oh. My dog has taken it upon herself to attempt to hunt the "mouse" in our bathroom. I can't say for sure that it is an actual mouse, but I found droppings so that is what I think it is. She was up most of the night as well trying to get the mouse. I finally closed the bathroom door.
Spinning: I couldn't help myself with the title. Cheesy I know. But it is true. I am itching to dye up some of my roving. I don't know what color(s). I just know it needs to be dyed. I need to purchase another pound (or 3) of the roving too. I am so completely in love with it. I plied some of it up on Saturday. Ended up being a lovely 2 ply and about 22 WPI. It wants to be a shawl. And 3 ply socks. It is soft and shiny and super lovely. My dog even likes it. She wanted to sniff it so I let her. She took it from me and laid it down and stuck her little nose on it. It was so cute. I got the part for my wheel so it is fixed, but I am loving the fine yarn that I can do on the spindle. I can do fine on the wheel too, but it is more trouble. I definitely want to get the 21:1 bobbins for it. I think I am going to see if my hubby will let me order another pound of the Merino/bamboo blend and the bobbins.
Knitting: I finished the sleeve. I am not happy with it, but it is done. I am kind of thinking about ripping back partway and work even all the way up. I think that there was just too much increasing. I may do that tonight actually now that I think of it. Then I can just figure out where it needs to be increased to and do that. Yeah. That is a good idea. It is amazing that I can have good ideas even though my brain is so sleepy right now. I can barely see straight! So I already have the second sleeve started and about 4 rows in. I will just run those off on a scrap yarn. While I was in the doctors office, I had my knitting. There was a really nice lady in there who, after watching me closely for about 10 minutes asked what I was making and how I got started knitting. She said she had tried her hand at it and decided she didn't like it. To each his/her own (what was she crazy?!?!) She was interested in it though, just didn't enjoy doing it. I suppose that is how I am about cooking. LOL!
*Pic is of Maddie snuggling the sample that I spun while laying on the sleeve of the Fog Sweater for DH*
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