Friday, December 11, 2009

Moving Blogs?

I am considering moving my blog to Wordpress, until further notice I will be posting the same things to both. I am fairly comfortable with Blogger, however I like some of the features that I think that Wordpress has to offer, so for now check either one. I will announce when I have made my decision. I have linked the wordpress blog above but just in case you need to copy/paste, or type it,


  1. what other feature? just curious :)

  2. I like being able to have it broken down by category AND tag. It is a little more organized. Plus I really like being able to look at the stats (as sad as they are! LOL!)

  3. hahaha! I was thinking about getting wordpress before but I use gmail and it was easier to sign up for blogger

  4. Yeah. Its not that I don't like Blogger, I just like Wordpress better I think. Plus I have an app for wordpress on my phone. I have a gmail, but I rarely use it. I like Yahoo better. It is easier for me to manage my messages. If I could click and drag messages and all that with gmail, I would use it.
